Wednesday, May 4, 2016

AP tests are nearing or already here, this is the part where you should study. No excuses. Don't go out with friends or procrastinate, STUDY. AP tests set the structure of how colleges will look at you, along with the ACT test. I hope all of you do well on it and study hard.

Monday, May 2, 2016

MY GOD math honors is killing me >.<
Being optimistic is a talent, a good one. I try to look at the best in things so today will be a good day.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The night comes as the day ends. Every beginning had an end, but every end has a new beginning. Quote of the day 1.
So today I want to talk about friends. My friend recently broke up with her boyfriend because his depression was effecting their relationship. She's a really great friend of mine but in my perspective she did nothing to help him though whatever he was going through. I understand some people have a hard time helping people but she made no effort to help him by asking other people for advice. Before she got with her ex she had a boyfriend and she let herself develop feelings for her now ex boyfriend, to me it was morally wrong. By doing these things it allowed me to question her morality. I have a question for whoever is willing to answer. Should I tell her she messed up or should I just mind my own business?
Well this is my first blog. So far i have learned I have a lot to learn. My future for my blog is to help people with their personal problems such as relationship problems, with friends, parents, significant other, etc. I also want to help with personal issues like school, family matters, pretty much anything. I have a lot of experiences with personal issues and I feel I am a great person to help. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I will answer your questions anonymously. Thanks :)